Rabu, 29 Februari 2012


we was born into this world with different each other even our physical, our destiny and soon. We also can see not all of people have a good looking and also not all of people are rich because god give us distinct destiny. The destiny that god had gave to us to test us whether we can be grateful to all that is given or not. Many people tend to just focus on life in this world without think about the eternity. If we just focus on this world and don't think about eternity remember this world just tentative. We see this world which god made to us to let us worship, find the right path, and also to make us ready to face the eternity. All worship will be taken to the afterlife that will be used during the acts of worship in the world.

Even though the god just gave us average face and life but we must be grateful of that because there is a wonderful place that god will give to everybody that grateful with all of they have which is we called "paradise". Sometime it is so hard for us to grateful with all of we have. We always want things all more and more  because this is on of the characteristic of people which is never satisfied. So, if  we wanna be safe in this wold and for the eternity let's be grateful with all of that we have now and then willingly accept the good-given destiny to us, then we can feel peace of the world and also in eternity.

2 komentar:

Destiva Rizky
29 Februari 2012 pukul 20.29

that's right...
nice advice..
you are the princess that always give an advice..good princess!

1 Maret 2012 pukul 05.44

I totally agree with you, because Allah always gives us the best things..

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