Jumat, 06 April 2012

How does it feel become an adjudicator?

When i was in first semester i joint with an organisation for who wants to become a debater. Why did i choose this program because i want to improve my speak ability because i wanna be a teacher of English so that's why i decided to joint with that. I follow the training just twice and after that i decided not to joint again because it makes me come to me very late around 7.PM. Although i follow  the training twice but i didn't get the point what does the real debate. 

Now i get the responsibility to be a part of debate. I'm not actually  a debater but i become an adjudicator. For the first i didn't now any rule become an adjudicator but because i'm still learn about in the competition of the dabate. This is a competition to choose the best speaker of the people who be the participants in this debate so that when they are win this debating they will supposed to debate with other university include in the Pakanbaru. Then, if they win again they will sent to Bali. What bali??? i want to...
But i think this is not the best time to get that because i just know little about the debate;although, i still praying if one of adjudicator will also send to debate with other university
waiting for the miracle.. :)

You know today i learn many things about the debate....,
i hope that i also get the opportunity to go to the national even in international debate.. Amin
i'll keep tying to do the beat