Selasa, 21 Februari 2012

How is it important the mineral water

As we know that almost of our body consist of water. In a research said that 80% of our body is water. When i was open my email on i read an article about mineral water. on that article said that mineral water can loose our weight 1,8-2,2 on 6 months if we consume it everyday, is it amazing, right? Then in America journal of clinical nutrition said that an advantage of mineral water reduce the risk of bladder cancer, that's fantastic.

Consuming mineral water is the best choice for the people who what to loose their weight. IN addition, for everybody who what to fasting if they usually consume mineral water they will have low glucose levels during fasting and hydration levels better, so they didn't easy to thirst when fasting.there are so many advantages of mineral water to our body. let's move our behavior to drink mineral water everyday to make our body fit.