Selasa, 28 Februari 2012


You know waiting is one of the activities that i hate so much. Not only me actually but also most of people fell the same as me. However today i've waited my friends so long. it is because an assignment .On wednesday i have a religious class at 13.20. My lecturer gave us assignment to make a paper in a groups of five and it must handed on wednesday,  29 february 2012. Before that day, i and my group are going to do the assignment but because my friend had done it so i got the job to edit the paper. My friend had already gave me the file but when i checked on my flashdisk there is no file which she sent to me.  you know what when i wait for someone or everything and it takes so long i can't control my emotion. It is so difficult for me.

Even thought i'm hard to  wait, i'm going to remove my bad habit because if i still have this behavior maybe sometime i will become a cruel person. wow...., so the lesson that i got today is about i must be patient to face any kinds of condition. Thinking about things by using a presence of mind.

let's make a change on our life........

2 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...
1 Maret 2012 pukul 07.57

yes, waiting is something that i don't like too, but for some situation i choose to wait because sometimes from waiting we can get something new, just through anything happily

sisma novriyana
1 Maret 2012 pukul 20.51

is that your picture????

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