Rabu, 18 April 2012


In Indonesia there are 5 religions including Islam. The majority islam in the world is Indonesia. Why so? because in indonesia there are so many people that regard islam as their religion. As we know that islam is the good religion which have the holy book that fix and applies to all nature so that the laws in islam are the same. Islam talk about how to get noble character of someone. This is to make everybody can live happily in the society.

Lately, we can see there are so many corruption which is not the good noble at all. You know everybody that work behind  this most of them are islam. So what's wrong with this condition? everybody is asking about that many times. Can islam avoid us from this bad manner? The answer is yes, islam can avoid us from the bad manner but we must to make perfect all of our worship this is including prayer. So this is the important point that we must have as a moeslem.